Friday 2 August 2013



" I have a remarkable secretary," said one harassed looking businessman to his friends at lunch. "This girl," he continued with a sigh, "has an unusual brain. It starts working the moment she gets up in the morning, and doesn't stop until she gets to my office."

On hearing his version, one of his friends asked the businessman, "And what about your faithful employee, Laxman, who was resigning from the company because of loss of memory?". The businessman replied, "That's right. You've heard the right thing." On hearing his reply, the friend asked again, "But I saw him there this morning?!", to which the businessman replied, " Well that is the problem, He has forgotten all about it !"... And then there was the boss who fired his new secretary for lack of experience. All she knew was shorthand and typing... and nothing more.

In fact, this is what is called "funny side up" ! Likewise the cartoons too have a funny side each and they speak a thousand words without speaking a single one. After all, laughter is the best medicine ! Hope, you'll agree.

A few of my cartoons are being posted here for your viewing. The cartoons were drawn by me over these years, keeping the Indian scenario in mind. I'm sure, you'll send your comments or criticisms by clicking the "comments/no comments button" below. Happy viewing...